Saturday, February 11, 2006

PodVet 18: 10 February, 2006

Late Friday evening.
Friday was just one of those days where lots of extra things cropped up and I didn't get chance to do any of the things that I wanted to do (including a new PodVet episode). So rather than miss an episode I did a quick no-frills show from the sofa before going to bed. No mixer, no preamp, no good mic and no edits - just all one take. It wasn't too bad for my first 'live'' show. although I forgot to update you on the great Spaniel diet. You'll have to wait until the next show to find out if Ernie & Holly have lost any weight! I have some interesting phone interviews coming up next week so we might have more than one episode next week - it depends on my other commitments.
I hope you have a good weekend - keep the email & audio feedback coming in.

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Show Notes
  • Explanation for short/late show.
  • New podvet feature - ability to leave audio feedback via phone or Skype (see previous post).
  • Purchase of
News Stories

Podsafe Music:
Mike Errico - Skimming.


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