Thursday, August 25, 2005

PodVet 5: August 25, 2005.

Click here for PodVet 5

Ramblings about obese people in veterinary scanners and mortality rates in hospitals.
News review.
interview with Ruaidhri Breathnach about canine toxicology.
Interview with Mila International re: new veterinary products.

Friday, August 19, 2005

PodVet 4: August 19, 2005.

Click here for PodVet 4

Interview with Prof. P.J. Quinn re: MRSA in veterinary practices.
Update on mulesing & PETA boycott of Australian wool.
Possible zoonotic pig disease in China.
More horses on stem cells.

Friday, August 12, 2005

PodVet 3

Click here for PodVet 3

Interview with UCD Dean of Veterinary Medicine
New Zealand dog with necrotising fasciitis
Interview about bovine TB in Ireland with Prof. Simon More.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Podcast 2

Click here for Podcast 2


  • More about Podcasting
  • Dog Appeasing Pheromones
  • Dolphins & fishing nets
  • Stem cells & lame horses
  • George Stubbs exhibition
  • UVH conference
  • Snuppy the puppy