Friday, February 24, 2006

Old PodVet is dead - Long live new PodVet!

Old PodVet is dead.
Long live new PodVet!

I am in the process of moving PodVet over to the newly aquired site. I have built a new, easier to use, nicer to look-at site which is now live at:

The new site allows you to listen to podcasts directly without having to subscribe - just click on the play button at the bottom of each posting.

So, what do YOU have to do to continue receiving PodVet content?

  • To continue receiving podcasts - all you have to do is subscribe using the new feed address (which is If you use iTunes to subscribe to podcasts then just click on the iTunes button on the new website or just click here and hit the 'subscribe' button. (Once you have subscribed to the new podcast don't forget to unsubscribe from the old one!).
  • To receive email updates on new postings - just add your email address to the box on the right of the new website and hit the 'subscribe' button.
I will continue to post entries and podcasts to both new and old sites for the next couple of weeks to make sure no-one gets lost.

I hope you enjoy the new PodVet. There will be new developments in the near future. Keep sending in the feedback. I am still waiting for the first bit of audio feedback / voicemail - what are you all afraid of- voice your opinions.

New show will appear over the weekend.



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