Friday, January 27, 2006

PodVet 16: 27 January, 2006

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

PodVet Tutorial: Inguinal & Femoral Canals.

Tutorial: Inguinal & Femoral Canals

Another audio tutorial that introduces some of the material I will be covering in class this Friday.
Feedback encouraged - don't forget to complete the listener survey (click on the link on the right or the link in the previous post).

New PodVet coming on Friday.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

PodVet Listener Survey

Listener Survey
In relation to the development of PodVet, as discussed in PodVet 15, you're going to hear me talk about this in my podcast for the next couple months: We're taking a survey of our listeners, and we'd like you to participate. It will help us learn more about you - no matter how long you've been a listener or how frequently you listen to this podcast. So please take a few minutes to complete the survey. You'll find the listener survey link in the right-hand menu on the PodVet blog (as well as directly below this message) and you can complete the survey anonymously.

PodVet Tutorial: Abdominal Wall

Abdominal Wall Tutorial
This is a 15 minute audio tutorial on the abdominal wall. As mentioned before, audio tutorials in anatomy have a limited value as anatomy is a very visual science. I hope you will find it useful as a preface or as revision. I would very much like to hear your feedback; did you find it useful, would you like more content like this.

Thanks to all those who have answered the call for content. Several people have started sending me material (many thanks and keep it up) and I'll have more for you towards the end of the week.

Picture(s) of the week - Dog v's paper shredder.

Friday, January 20, 2006

PodVet 15: 20 January, 2006